of the grid underpinning

The control of the grid underpinning the three highly developed Baltic states — whose combined GDP has increased approximately fourfold since joining the EU 20 years ago — has been managed from Moscow, raising the specter of potential abuse by the Kremlin. Russia has a history of weaponizing energy, notably against Ukraine, utilizing its upstre

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grab in the fragile Sahelian

Its narrative reflects the date of the real-world power grab in the fragile Sahelian state, and the game invites players to pick a side – and reap the rewards. They can represent either the new junta-led Alliance of SahelStates (Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger), with Russia’s Africa Corps (previously Wagner); or the Western-backed Economic Communi

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Starmer will pursue a stringent

Starmer will pursue a stringent stance on China, given anxieties over human rights and national security as part of its commitment to ethical governance. China’s technological and military activities present security challenges, prompting a need for robust policies. Coordinating with international allies will be pivotal for addressing Beijing’s

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Western analysts are currently

Many Western analysts are currently looking for signs of a split in the Russian elite over the war. However, they have generally failed to attend to complaints like those of Kozlov and Tsivilyov and the experts at the Accounts Chamber. These are clear if indirect evidence that even those at the top of the Russian government are unhappy. Their compl

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the prospect that Kozlov’s

However, the problems of doing so are enormous, hence the prospect that Kozlov’s warning will not be heeded in the Kremlin. Most of the geologically unexplored regions of the Russian Federation are in the north and Far East, areas where few, if any, roads and rail lines exist and where the rapidly melting permafrost layers underlying them make an

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